10:00AM - 6PM Mon-Fri,   10:00AM - 4PM Sat   +1.604.639.9013 

Main  Acupuncture Clinic

​A  Way  to  WELLbeing


Main Acupuncture Clinic

Vital energy known as “qi” moves within the body along 12 energy meridians. Acupuncture stimulates points that connect with these meridians, by placing needles at specific points along the body, thus easing blockages in the flow of “qi” and promoting health.

Cupping Therapy
Special glass cups are placed on the body using a vacuum technique. Its purpose is to help remove deep tissue blockages by stimulating the flow of blood and Qi (energy) to bring them to the superficial layer to be dispersed.

It is used to relieve Sciatica, Sore Muscle Pain, Neck Pain and to mobilize the Immune system to assist with body system disorders such as Respiratory or Digestive disorders. Cupping treatment may be done on its own, or within an acupuncture treatment.

Cupping and Acupressure Massage
Cupping Massage is a treatment combining cupping therapy with back massage. Glass cups are applied to the skin similar to cupping therapy and moved up and down the back in a massaging motion. It is also called “Moving Cup Therapy” It can help to move your body enerby, release toxins from your body trunk, and stimulate organ reflection points on your back. This is a more relaxing treatment than regular cupping therapy.

Direct Moxibustion 
Direct Moxbustion involves the burning of hand rolled moxa cones directly on the skin at selected points. When the feeling of heat penetrates into the deep muscle, it can achieve the purposes of preventing and treating diseases by warming and dredging meridians and collaterals and promoting qi flow and blood circulation.

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture 
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is an effective, nonsurgical treatment to reduce the signs of aging. It is based on the principles of Chinese Medicine, which involves the insertion of very thin disposable needles into the acupuncture points on the face. This superficial insertion will increase the local circulation to the face and stimulate collagen production, which will fill out the lines and give firmness to the skin for a healthy, glowing complexion.

Chinese Herbal Medicine 

Chinese herbal medicine uses herbs to improve health and has thousands of years of data to back it up. Throughout history, Chinese emperors worked to preserve and multiply the knowledge of the previous ages. That means today we have almost 2,000 years of clearly written records about how herbs and herb combinations work in different people.  The herbs that accomplish this are highly individualized and  Chinese herbal therapy can come in the form of:     Granules or Tablet