10:00AM - 6PM Mon-Fri,   10:00AM - 4PM Sat   +1.604.639.9013 

Main  Acupuncture Clinic

​A  Way  to  WELLbeing

We are happy to be able to offer direct billing with over 20 extended health benefit insurance providers!

The most common plans we see are:

Canada Life

Pacific Blue Cross



If you don’t see your insurance company on the list - ask us, they may be part of one of the above groups.

It is important to note that, if we do not get confirmation of an amount being covered due to some reason out of our hands, you will have to pay the treatment cost. You will receive an invoice and will have to send the info to your insurance to get reimbursed.

We offer direct billing for the member of 

​- Alberta Blue Cross

- Beneva Inc.

- BPA - Benefit Plan Administrators

- Canada Life

- Canadian Construction Workers Union

- Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance


- ClaimSecure

- Coughlin & Assocoates Ltd.

- Cowan

- D.A. Townley

- Desjardins Insurance

- Equitable Life of Canada

- First Canadian

- GMS Carrier 49

- GMS Carrier 50

​- GroupHEALTH

- GroupSource

- Industrial Alliance

- Johnson Inc.

- Johnston Group Inc.

- LiUNA Local 183

- LiUNA Local 506

- Manion

- Manulife Financial

- Maximum Benefit

- Pacific Blue Cross

- RWAM Insurance Administrators

- Sun Life Financial

- TELUS AdjudiCare

- Union Benefits

Insurace Company