10:00AM - 6PM Mon-Fri,   10:00AM - 4PM Sat   +1.604.639.9013 

Main  Acupuncture Clinic

​A  Way  to  WELLbeing

Effective April 1, 2019, the provincial government updated the treatment fees that ICBC will cover for care and treatment after a crash. This has been outlined in the Insurance (Vehicle) Act and is highlighted in the table below.

Fee table

​Assessment visit                                                                      ​$110.00 (billable once)
​Standard treatment ​                                                             $100.00 per treatment
​Pre-authorized number of treatments                      ​12**

 *These fees apply to all treatments administered on or after April 1, 2019, regardless of the date of the accident that caused the injury
**Within 12 weeks of the accident causing the injury


ICBC customers who choose to visit a health care provider that charges a higher rate than what ICBC funds under accident benefits (indicated above), will not be able to recover the user fees from ICBC for claims with a date of loss on or after April 1, 2019. This will mean that the patient is responsible for paying the user fee portion, which they may submit to their private health insurer for consideration of coverage.

Treatments are based on sessions provided and fees reflect fair market rate for a standard industry visit. Treatment frequency will be based on clinical recommendations and should reflect best practice. However, multiple sessions provided by the same discipline, on the same day, will not be funded.

In the case of a no-show, the clinic's no-show and cancellation policies should apply. ICBC will not pay for no-show appointments.Type your paragraph here.